Monday, September 23, 2019

Yogic Sadhana the great detoxifier

Yogic Sadhana the great detoxifier and internal cleanser. Aantarika Shuddhi and Shaucha
When Patanjali speaks of Shaucha or cleanliness in the Niyamas, we usually think of brushing our teeth and having a bath on a daily basis. The Asanas and Pranayamas ensure that there is cleansing at the cellular level as well. The lymphatic system is the sewerage system of the body and unlike the circulatory system has no pump and needs specific body movements to make it more efficient than it would normally be. It carries the waste from the cells and also the bodies of cells that die everyday in their millions!
A good Asana practice with Vinyasa like Surya Namaskars or Sun Salutations brings along with it not only aerobic benefits that ensure that nutrition and oxygen reach each and every cell, but also the circulation of the lymphatic fluids.
The "squeezing" action in the movements of many of the Asanas, coupled with the massaging effect of the diaphragm (when one breathes deep and uses the diaphragm to push deep down), results in the cellular waste getting pushed into the lymphatic system as well as dead cells getting eliminated in the process.
The end result is a fantastic detox of the entire body across ALL the various physiological systems we learn of, like the digestive,circulatory, nervous, endocrine, organs et all.
All this results not only in a super clean and healthy body but also a system in which the free and unimpeded flow of prana is established.
The way the human mind behaves at various levels of pranic flow and intensity is a very interesting subject of study! AUM

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