Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Boa Constrictor

The boa constrictor is a reptile that finishes off its prey by a process of constriction. What is constriction? Its a process in which the grip of the reptile gets progressively tighter over its prey. The prey is breathing and as it breathes in, the lungs expand and as it breathes out, the lungs constrict. The boa tightens the grip around the prey each and every time it breathes out, hence leaving less space for the next breath in. Finally the prey simply does not have the space to breathe in and passes away.

Why am I giving this analogy in a Yoga blog?

The way to continuously deepen the pose, lies in our ability to go deeper every time we breathe out and still continue to breathe in. Every time we breathe out the upper and middle body constricts giving us the "space" to get deeper. As we progressively move deeper into the position, breathing in also becomes that much of a challenge as it is for the prey of the boa constrictor. The secret to keep the in breath going, is in bringing the awareness on the diaphragm and the way it moves down every time you breathe in.  As you go deeper into the poses and keep the breathing going on, (and if possible breathing deep enough to reach your perineum as explained earlier) the massage that is given to the internal organs that lie below the diaphragm, the digestive system, the endocrines (in the abdominal area), many of the joints, the lymphatic system and the nervous system, is simply amazing. It requires the practitioner to bring deep awareness and observation of what is happening in the asana to "realize" what I am saying over here!

Asanas in which the benefits of constriction are most obvious and realizable are Pavanamuktasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Paschimottanasana and many others where the effects are in the lower torsal levels and the squeeze is an important aspect of the asana.

Keep constricting till the prey of sub-potentiality, both in terms of how deep you can get into the asana as well as the awareness that could be mustered in the process, is killed! What I mean here will be realized only when the above is practiced and internalized!

Keep practising, keep learning. AUM

Yoga is not about touching your toes but what you learn on the way down! - BKS Iyengar