कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेत् शतं समाः।
एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ॥
Aspire to live a hundred years doing your work till the very end
This is the only way to live without being effected by karma
Easier said than done right? The Ishopanishad here asks us to wish to live a 100 years and being active engaging in your duties till the very end, being of use to society. It purports that only this kind of commitment to your actions will finally give you deliverance
This can be achieved ONLY through exceptional physical and mental fitness till the very end. Of all the various means to achieve this level of holistic fitness, in my humble opinion, it is mostly and probably only Yoga or similar eastern practices that can bestow you with a long and fit life that encompasses not just the physical body but also the mind, the intellect, and the spirit or prana.
The role of Asana and Pranayama in enabling this clarion call of the Ishopanishad is unmistakable. I have been listening carefully to many people who call themselves as Yogis repeatedly belittling the role of Asana and focusing on relaxation. The serious mistake we all do when we fall for this line of thought is that we don’t realize that relaxation happens only when the effort has been fully put in. The farmer who grows our food relaxes only after a hard days work!
Two of the main hurdles (of a total of 9) on the path of Yoga as enunciated by Patanjali are Ahlasya or laziness and hallucinations or Bhrantidarshana
Don’t hallucinate that “All will be well” without working for it as that is only laziness playing its role in the guise of great philosophy😅
Going back to the beautiful verse of the eternal life positive Ishopanishad, “Aspire to live a hundred years and be active doing your work till the very end”
Aspire to live a long and healthy life, in body and mind, and to enable this goal, do your Yoga Sadhana. Each and Everyday 🤗🤗🤗.
Psssst………. There is NO other way 😅
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